Special Duties Department

Functions & Responsibilities

Ondo State is richly endowed with large deposit of Bitumen.  Bitumen Project is part of agenda of the present Administration to actualize bitumen exploration and exploitation for the economic development.  This necessitated the creation of Special Duties Department to oversee Bitumen development in the State.  Bitumen is found in the Southern Senatorial District covering Irele, Okitipupa, Ese-Odo, Ilaje and Odigbo Local Government Areas.


Renewal of Bitumen Exploration Exploitation Company of Nigeria License (BEECON)

Successful resolution of crisis in Ese-Odo LGA over non-inclusion of the area among Bitumen bearing communities fostering peaceful co-existence and accelerated development within the river side region of the state.

Engagement meeting between the host communities and licensed Bitumen companies for ease of doing business in the state.

The functions of Special Duties Department are as enumerated below:

  1. To formulate Bitumen Development policies in conjunction with the Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel Development. This will be achieved through convocation of Bitumen technical sessions with Licensed Bitumen Companies and Host Communities.  This will form a ground rule for stakeholders i.e. Government, Licensed Bitumen Companies and Host Communities.
  2. To identify Bitumen bearing communities, collect and collate geographical data like location, nature of deposits as well as critical community stakeholders.
  3. To liaise with Licensed Bitumen Companies operating in the State:
    • Kebara Mining Company
    • Aspect Petroleum Limited
    • Southwest Bitumen Company
    • Dangote Refining Company Limited
  4. Organize stakeholders’ meeting with Bitumen Host Communities in order for a seamless Bitumen development in the State.
  5. Response to emergency complaints, conflict/crisis resolution between Host Communities and investors. Supervision of Licensed Bitumen Companies’ activities in the State.
  6. Organize quarterly interactive engagement meeting with Licensed Bitumen Companies to get updates from the companies on the level of their work plan. It will also enable the companies to make known their challenges with the Host Communities and other stakeholders in their areas of operations.
  7. Liaising with ONDIPA to promote investment in Bitumen such as
    • Showcasing Bitumen samples of various locations of occurrence at both local and international trade fairs.
  8. Facilitate the demarcation of the State Bitumen Licensed Blocks and also coordinate the exploration and exploitation of BEECON Block.
  9. To help Bitumen Companies midwife any form of community Development Agreement as provided in Section 71 (c) of the Mineral and Mining Act, 2007.
  10. Also stand as the bridge between the Host Communities and Licensed Bitumen Companies in one hand and Host Communities and Government (State/Federal) on the other.
  11. To collaborate with ONDIPA with the responsibility of bringing investment into the State.

Mrs. Oladepo Janet


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