Energy Department

Functions & Responsibilities

The Power Sector Law was signed into law by the Ondo State Government on the 31st of December, 2020 to promote distribution, transmission and generation of electricity in areas not covered by the national grid which is one of the way of accelerating electrification and establishing Independent Power Projects (IPP) among other energy improvement schemes across the state. Then came the creation of Energy Department on the 21st December, 2021 under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources with the intention to formulate, implement, Monitor and evaluate as well as supervising, coordinating of activities in the Energy sector in accordance to the law.

Our vision

To make Ondo State a Global economic and financial hub through the development of sustainable energy strategy,

Our mission

To formulate policies and legislations that excellently and effectively regulates activities in Electricity and also offer services to stimulate investment for viable economic development and benefit to all.

Engr. Adeyemi Alaba


Mandate/Responsibilities of the Department

  1. Evaluate and review policies relating to electricity matters in the State.
  2. Develop sustainable energy engineering and energy economic policies for both conventional and renewable energy solutions in the State.
  3. Provide institutional support for the State Electricity Council.
  4. Ensure provision of electricity through its organs, the Ondo State Electricity Board (OSEB)and Ondo State Power Company(OSPC).
  5. Create an enabling environment for Private Investments in electricity generation and distribution in the State;
  6. Coordinate and supervise Independent Power Projects in the State;
  7. Ensure policy and Programme on electricity improvement are developed and implemented;
  8. Ensure all communities in the state are provided with on-grid electric power where possible and off-grid electricity under the Cluster Off-take Unit Policy;
  9. Ensure that the State Government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) are provided with electric power supply across the state by the Ondo State Power Company and other approved Independent Power Producers in partnership with the State Government;
  10. Provide needed support for innovative programmes and technologies in electricity demand and supply and develop safety guidelines for the approval of the Council;
  11. Liaise with relevant government agencies to facilitate the acquisition of land, right of way, way leave and right of way compensations and other related matters associated with or in connection to electricity supply by Independent Power Producers in the State;
  12. Provide such support as the Council deems fit to aid Independent Power Providers in obtaining all the necessary licenses, permits and approvals as may be required;
  13. Collaborate with relevant Federal and State Agencies to ensure compliance with Federal and State environmental standards and ensure that energy service or Independent Power providers, including renewable energy project developers, conform to environmentally sound operations and sustainability;
  14. Subject to relevant laws and in collaboration with NERC promote competitive, fair and efficient market practice within the electric power sector in the State in areas that are connected to the national grid,;
  15. Develop technical framework to aid the ease of doing energy and electricity business and provide an environment that is sufficiently flexible to take into account new market trends and development in the Nigerian Electricity Demand and Supply Industry;
  16. Create an enabling environment including the provision of incentives that will attract investors into the power sector of the State;
  17. Collaborate, consult and cooperate to the extent practicable with other States and Local Governments, statutory bodies and research agencies on matters relating to electricity in the State.
  18. Formulate policies for rural electrification for the approval of the Council and promote aggressive rural electrification targets in the State;
  19. Ensure that all electricity installations are safely installed and do not constitute safety hazards to citizens in the State;
  20. Grant permits for the construction and installation of electricity network and infrastructure within the right of way of all roads in the State;
  21. Promote training and manpower development in electricity matters;
  22. Consult, when the need arises with such persons or organizations as may be qualified to advise on professional or technical issues;
  23. Approve through the Council, the designations of communities, organizations, businesses and community associations as Cluster Off-take Units (COU);
  24. Maintain a register of the Cluster Off-take Units;
  25. Implement policies formulated for the regulation of the activities of Cluster Off-take Units;
  26. register and maintain a register of energy, power and electrical contractors and consultants in and across the State; and
  27. carry out such other functions and initiatives as it deems fit for the purpose of improving electricity within the State or as may be further assigned by the Governor.